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Rheem joins U.S. EPA SmartWay Transport Partnership to reduce fuel use and pollutants in its supply chain

Rheem announced in February that it joined the SmartWay Transport Partnership, an innovative collaboration between U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and industry that provides a framework to assess the environmental and energy efficiency of goods movement supply chains.

Rheem will contribute to the partnership’s savings of 215.4 million barrels of oil, $29.7 billion in fuel
costs and 103 million tons of air pollutants. This is equivalent to eliminating annual energy use in more than 14 million homes.

“We are excited to continue affecting positive environmental change by working alongside the EPA,”
said Jaidev Desai, director, supply chain, Rheem. “The partnership is a natural next step as part of
Rheem’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and refining our supply chain,
manufacturing and operations practices to minimize material, energy and water waste.”

Launched in 2004, the SmartWay program was jointly developed by EPA and Charter Partners represented by industry stakeholders, environmental groups, American Trucking Associations and Business for Social Responsibility. Partners rely upon SmartWay tools and approaches to track and reduce emissions and fuel use from goods movement. The Partnership currently has over 3,000 partners including shipper, logistics companies, truck, rail, barge, and multimodal carriers.

In January 2019, Rheem announced a comprehensive sustainability commitment that includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent and achieving zero waste to landfill in its global manufacturing plants by 2025, the company’s 100th anniversary. Rheem is also innovating products with sustainability in mind, including a new line of heating, cooling and water heating products that boast a 50 percent reduction in greenhouse gas footprint. In addition, the company will train at least 250,000 plumbers and contractors on sustainable products, sustainable installation and recycling best practices utilizing its six state-of-the-art Innovation Learning Centers across North America.

To learn more about Rheem’s 2025 sustainability commitment, visit https://www.rheem.com/sustainability. For information about the SmartWay Transport Partnership visit www.epa.gov/smartway.
