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Make every step a safe one with Wooster anti-slip products

Wooster Products for anti-slip stair and walkway products.

Wooster Products is an American-manufacturer of anti-slip safety stair and walkway products. We manufacture products for any size project. In operation since 1921, our products are ideal for transit stations, stadiums, schools, parks, residential and office towers. Some of our brand names include:

  • Stairmaster — Renovation or safety enhancement products for heavy pedestrian traffic. 
  • Walk-A-Sured — Water Clear Epoxy floor coating for use on wood, metal, tile, marble, terrazzo and concrete.
  • WP-70 — Heavy-duty, two-part epoxy coating for a long-lasting durable solution.  
  • FlexTred – Our anti-slip tape used for stairs, walkways, ramps and more.

Please visit us at www.woosterproducts.com or call 800-321-4936 for service.
